Revisiting the Sacred Stones in England
How can I begin to describe the incredible energies and synchronicities of this special week? It is not entirely possible, but here is a taste of what we experienced. The main concept or theme was to celebrate the Fall Equinox period of balance and thanksgiving; to meet and be supported by like-minded friends and to have a marvelous time in the mystical land of Avalon.
Not only did spirit support our journey, but so did the weather. It was sunny and gorgeous every day. Our group was small in number for the most part of the week, but we were entirely full to the brim with the most astonishing and sacred experiences morning till night. We followed our schedule and were able to go to the places we wanted to see and have the workshops we wanted yet; we also stayed flexible and added much to the itinerary by being open to the flow and opportunities of the moment. Because of this, we were led to several people who became our teachers and fellow spiritual travelers along the way.
We also honored the presence of those who wanted to be there but were not physically able. We felt their presence and graceful support the entire trip. Those physically present there for one day or the full time- Jodie, Siobhan, Willow, Elizabeth, Helen, Debbie, Vinnie, Sheila, Justine, Ruth and Janet.
Day 1
We met at the Karuna House meditation room. It has such a peaceful atmosphere due to the many meditations there and Helen's (the owner) lovely and gentle caretaking. This room was full of light and had a perfect view of Glastonbury Abbey. There at the top of the house, I laid out a large crystal grid to represent the balance of male and female energies and polarities for the theme of Fall Solstice. Surrounding this layout were pink Nirvana Himalayan crystals and Selenite especially sent to us for this journey by Karen Crane from Colorado, along with Arkansas crystals I brought from the Hot Springs heart of light vortex and many others- lemurians and crystal skulls. These crystals became part of a moving grid which we took to Glastonbury Tor, Chalice Well, Stonehenge, Avebury, Uffington Horse and a nearby maize crop circle. It also continued in the hands of those who were to travel to key points on the grid as a mission they took quite seriously and with honor- Cornwall, Australia, Holland, Ireland, and the Himalayas. There were several people we met along the way who had not signed up for the retreat, but were there just briefly to participate in bringing light to the grid through their own spiritual travels and connecting through these crystals.

Elizabeth Keller was our first team leader and began the retreat by introducing herself and the ancient Himalayan crystal skull Heartstar. She described the history of her continuing journey to Glastonbury through the years; her path as a priestess of light and efforts to help heal the grid and the honey bees through ceremonies at locations such as Sedona, Glastonbury, Avebury, Cornwall, and Egypt's Great Pyramid on 9/09/09. Elizabeth is very charismatic, energetic and a natural leader with much love and a creative spirit. Her knowledge of Glastonbury and Avalon and its special and sacred places gave us access to insights and experiences unknown to many who travel there.
That afternoon, we went to St. John's Cathedral and viewed some exquisite stained glass windows depicting Jesus and Mary Magdalene. St.Bridget (the bride) and St. George and the Dragon (dragon energy is thought to be ley line/earth energy). Images of King Arthur and Avalon were all around us. After this, we walked a labyrinth outside the cathedral to bring in a healing focus and leave behind a trouble or worry.
That evening, we were able to meet with Thelma an 85 yr old clairvoyant and who channels poetry from Heartstar and other crystal skulls and crystals. It was a very emotional and healing time that we had with this wise woman, for her words are truly from spirit and speak to hearts at the moment as a living breathing inspiration. She is currently caretaking another ancient skull called Yangtze who is hollow. And in this space she put one of my small lightworker's cross crystals to activate it. I can tell you that it was very charged up. We also meditated with Thelma and Elizabeth anointed us with some ancient oils of the gods and goddesses from Egypt to continue to celebrate the balance of the Equinox. Our meditations gave us some incredible insights- the symbol of the peacock came up in meditation to indicate the Goddess Hera and the divine marriage (balance of polarities). Throughout the week the swan or the Goddess Bridget also repeatedly showed itself synchronistically representing this sacred theme of marriage or balance.
Orbs were also very active in Thelma's apartment and I saw a white misty one that continued to float by her right side as she read her poetry. She even composed 2 poems while we were there. Soon her poetry will be published and I recommend it highly.
Day 2
Willow our second teamleader, began this day with her workshop on Sacred Herbs and later demonstrated Tea Leaves Reading. She is also an incredible artist who works in many mediums. Her work is comparable to Waterhouse or Rembrandt, in my opinion. She is a follower of the old ways of Wales and is a Druid Priestess, herbalist, psychic, and bard. Her knowledge of England and Wales is in her ancestral roots and love of the land and trees and goddesses and gods. She pointed out many indigenous trees and herbs to show each of the healing properties and legends surrounding them. We learned much through her gentle ways and immense knowledge and respect for the earth.

Although we stayed inside the Karuna Mediation room to learn part of the time, later we walked to the Chalice Well Gardens to learn more about herbs and to visit the healing waters. I also demonstrated dowsing and the participants tried this out as we walked along to feel the variations in energies and the ley lines. The Chalice well is extraordinarily beautiful and healing. There was a hand fasting getting ready to take place and everything was decorated in roses and other flowers. We felt it was a synchronicity to be there for the preparation of the hand fasting -again the balance of male and female. As we were there, we also saw many orbs and felt and tasted the healing water and blessed our crystals and bodies. The Chalice Well or Red Well represents the divine female energies. Elizabeth also showed us where she had done a Blessed Bee initiation and gave us some bee pollen to honor us as caretakers of the earth and bees.
After this, we crossed the street to the recently neglected White Spring/ Male Energy. It is in the process of renovation at this time. It is not currently possible to get inside, but the fountain outside was blessedly running. It had stopped, but fortunately began the day we arrived. We took the crystals there to meditate and help to heal and balance the male spring. Both springs were once used in an ancient druidic initiation and the male and female waters meant to move together. They flow from under Glastonbury Tor/St Michael's Tor or the land of the fairies.
We continued to walk beneath Glastonbury Tor and it shone golden in the afternoon sunlight. A herd of sheep grazed the hill and actually looked pink-almost looked like pigs, lol- which are also sacred animals of the underworld/fairyland in Celtic myth. At this time, we spotted many orbs. No surprise. Orbs are often seen at this magical portal. Two of the orbs seemed to follow us along the entire Tor base area.
As we walked back into town, we also visited a Tibetan sanctuary with prayer wheels, and then headed onto dinner at a delightful Indian Restaurant. All the food we tried throughout the trip was tasty and usually made from organic and homemade healthy recipes. Local produce, honeys, ciders, pears, cheese, breads, and gourmet meals were bountiful and much appreciated as we spent lots of energy treading pathways on our adventures. We gave thanks for our abundant healing and sharing delicious meals in communion.
Day 3
Elizabeth was able to acquire a key to the closed Mary Magdalene Chapel and Gardens. We visited and paid homage to Mary in this ancient and holy place of worship. It is unusual to see a chapel to Mary Magdalene and as we all felt akin to her and sisters of the Rose, we were privileged to spend time in meditation there.
Next, I led a workshop powerpoint presentation on Orbs. I have a fascination with orbs and have been able to photograph many of these as well as see them without a lens. I had done and continue to do research on this topic, as I feel orbs have much to teach us and are there to help move us into greater understanding of the spiritual dimensions, collective consciousness, and raised states of awareness at sacred times and places. I showed many photos and gave an overview as to where, why, and what they are and the theories surrounding them, as well as how to see and photograph them.
As the day progressed, we moved onto Glastonbury Abbey where we dowsed the Michael and Mary ley lines and visited the Lady Chapel and had a picnic. Elizabeth told us some of the history of the place and its connections to her healing work derived from the damage done in the time of Henry the VIII. We also took time to meditate and send light to the past and into the ley lines that flowed out like enormous rivers through this place.

Wandering through the landscape feeling the ancient energies of King Arthur and Guinevere and all that had happened here; we met another teacher along our path. Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche and his friends invited us to meditate with him where he found a portal vortex on the Michael ley line near, but not on the line near King Arthur and Guinevere's plaque. He spoke to me about orbs and said that in the Tibetan tradition they can tell the future and all about the healing of the body. I was able to take a picture of a golden orb in front of him! He also invited us to a blessing that would occur on the 27th. Furthermore, he was to be going to Stonehenge to pray and bless for World Peace on the 28th- 2 days after we would be there! We said we would place a special Himalayan crystal there in the center for him to connect and bless with our group and intentions to bring light there also. And we did.
Continuing on our journey, we walked on to Glastonbury Tor, another labyrinth or initiation pathway of ancient Druidic origin. It was about a 45 minute hike up the steep Tor, but oh so beautiful and magical. About 1/3 of the way up is a bench which we stopped to honor the ancestors and ask permission of the land to continue on. In offering, I placed a crystal there to commemorate and give thanks to the ancestral caretakers. Then, we practically ran the rest of the way up to see the last rays of the sunset on this windy and gorgeous place of power and mystery. Each one of us took time to meditate and soak in the view and feeling of place and spaciousness. To me it felt as if the land was rising up and up below me on a pillar, very surreal. Willow told us stories of the fairies and ancient gods and goddesses there. Then we leaned up against the Michael tower on the top to look at the first stars of the night. Suddenly, as if out of the land itself, a woman popped out and exclaimed, "What are you doing here and why do you know to stand there at that exact place!?" She was astounded that we somehow might have known to look there for the stars that would just be coming into view at that moment. We did not consciously know this, lol, but spirit had guided us there. She showed us the stars and constellations that would appear in order. Vega, Lyra, the Southern Cross, and the swan (bride, lol) . She told us the previous night there was some kind of greenish yellow orb that shot out of one of the stars and then shone down a pillar of spiraling white light upon her and her friends. It had made a huge impression on her and she shared this with us, as if we were there waiting to learn it… another teacher on our journey of magical mystery and healing. We later filed down the Tor in darkness except for the brilliant stars and moon shining above in their sparkling formations of distant glory.
Day 4

We awoke very early to drive to Stonehenge to be there at 6:45 for our time at sunrise and private access visit into the center of the renowned and incredibly massive and powerful stone circle of ancient legend. To get there, we literally travelled over the Plain of Salisbury through the mist! And out of the magical landscape appeared the long awaited Stonehenge. We took this time seriously and with great reverence. We were rewarded by a rosy and gold glowing sunrise shining through the rising mist between the towering stones. During our time, we honored the ancestors, the four directions, and the layers of positive intentions upon this space. We sought to keep it simple by allowing each person their own connection and purity. The only intention we gave was to bring balance and light to this vortex and connection to many other intersecting ley lines. We built a grid with a rose quartz heart in the center, laser crystals, then ancient and modern healing crystal skulls surrounded by Arkansas and Himalayan quartz . Before we left , we centrally planted a Himalayan quartz for the Tibetan monk, Chongtal Rinpoche to connect with our prayers and blessings joining for world peace the following Monday. An interesting synchronicity as we packed to reluctantly leave, one of the guards was asked about his experiences there. He said he sometimes smelled roses in different areas… and once heard of a monk appearing and disappearing through the entrance… Roses have repeated come up before and during this trip and we used a rose quartz heart in the center of our meditation there. The mention of a monk t seemed to also connect with the upcoming visit of the Rinpoche monk as well as all the ancient druids and other monks through time there to visit and add prayers to this sanctuary of the soul.
Moving on, we enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast at a quaint restaurant on the way to Uffington Horse hill. Charged up and smiling brightly, we forged up to the Uffington Horse park, did some dowsing and Willow explained the intricate history and archaeology of this stunning site carved into the chalk mountains near her home. It felt very open and free with the sun shining warmly over the grassy treeless expanse. On the top, we sat and basked in the sunshine and meditated. I was able to spend time personally with an ancient fossilized Himalayan coral skull,named Liana whose caretaker is Debbie. She graciously gave me a journeying meditation activation connected with Lemurian underwater temples. It was very inspirational and felt extremely enriching to my consciousness. I had a vision afterwards of being swept onto a beach with diamond sand all over me reflecting my state of existence and empowerment, along with many more deeply moving impressions. Our next stop was to the largest maize crop circles ever reported. It was enormous. We went to one of the central circles, dowsed and sat down to meditate. While holding the crystal skull Electra whom I am the caretaker of, I thought I was going to be overcharged with energy. My crown felt as if it was vibrating very intensely and as if I was being uploaded and downloaded with some kind of voltage power or information. It was fine for awhile, but I felt that I stayed too long and needed to leave. It was too strong for my physical body. I drank some healing Chalice Well Water to recuperate and I know that I wasn't the only one feeling drained and dizzy. Two days later, Willow reported seeing immense and strange lights over this area…

Our journey continued onto Avebury and we passed some enchanting thatched roof cottages and gardens along the way and an ancient forest. Silbury Hill was on our route as well, but we could only view this ancient ceremonial site, not walk on it as no access is allowed at this time.
At Avebury, we enjoyed some more lighthearted and spiritual times together. Everyone was feeling reinvigorated by then and transformed by all the friendship connections and spiritual interactions of the day. We wandered around exploring and touching the amazing stones and had lunch at a historic 400 yr old pub called the Red Lion known for its sacred well inside (and said to be haunted).
Feeling rested and revived, we found one of the stones associated with a mother goddess and birth and created a small grid and meditation, honoring the goddess and the turning of the seasons, a rebirth of sorts. Elizabeth has done ceremonies at Avebury for the return of the honey bee which has been dwindling in some European countries in recent years due to pesticides. (Bees play an crucial global role in pollinating flowering plants, and are the major type of pollinater in ecosystems that contain flowering plants). Furthermore they play a part in ancient shamanic spiritual traditions around the world associated with fertility. In respect of this continuing spiritual work, Elizabeth took us to a place near the intersection of the Michael and Mary ley lines at the entrance between the god and goddess stone. We honored the balance and the honey bee. It was sunset and we drank some Glastonbury Abbey Mead (honey liqueur) to celebrate the day and the bees. We also sat under some ancient birch trees and meditated and grounded ourselves for some time before we left this extraordinarily enchanting landscape to return to our home base of Glastonbury. This day helped us to see many sacred places and connect the leylines to bring light and healing, especially regarding the Michael and Mary lines.
Day 5
Sunday was "officially" our last day together. We left the schedule fairly open in order to provide for opportunities to explore, set up healings or go with the flow. And that is exactly how it happened. We met at the Karuna Meditation Center to share and absorb what we had learned from each other and what we thought might come next in our lives. We meditated and then did a group reiki healing that rotated each person into the middle in succession to balance the chakras and ground and heal each other as needed. The energy was very loving and strong and those in the center usually ended up swaying back and forth with the unlimited reiki flow moving to where it was needed then and into the past and future.
After lunch, and more conversation, we looked through some of the lovely shops on High Street filled with treasures of all kinds. Then we went to the blessing by Chogal Rinpoche with mudras and mantras for compassion and healing. It was very uplifting and he remembered us and took time to say hello and bless us and our personal items we could place on the table in front of him. We told him we left the crystal and prayers at Stonehenge for him if he would like to connect with this the following day. He said that he would.

From there, we walked up to Wearyall Hill and the Holy Thorn said to have been planted by Joseph of Aramathea who brought the Holy Grail to Glastonbury to keep in safe. The Holy Thorn is storied to have sprung from his staff and immediately flowered (still blooming at Christmas and in May). We added our prayer ties (cloonties) or hair to the tree for healing. Willow and I were stung by nettles, but told that in itself was a blessing by the Interestingly, the thorn tree is also sacred in Celtic stories connected to fairies and it is forbidden to cut one down. All these myths are intertwined in the Glastonbury landscape between druidic and Celtic Christianity, along with many other layers now added in modern times.
Leaving the Holy Thorn, we went into town and found a nice place to "break bread" and have dinner together with a sumptuous dessert and coffee. At this point, we were beginning to realize that we would have to say goodbye soon so we lingered and talked for some time and continued our conversations on the way back to our nightly accommodations.
Day 6
Yes, we had a bit of an extra day to share We met for lunch and then a quick visit to the Chalice Well Gardens one more time to absorb and envelop our memories with the blessings of this spiritual time together. We all hugged and went our ways as dear friends to continue our communications and support each other into the future hoping to meet one day again in person.
This retreat experience was very transformational and personally moving in many intricate and wonderful ways for each soul who was there. In retrospect, I cannot actually convey the depth of our incredible time together, word are inadequate, as they say," you would have had to have been there". But perhaps in some ways, you were. There is always next time and we welcome you to join us always.