The Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters are great spiritual teachers and guides that help and aid us from the higher dimensions. Once, these Masters lived like us as a human on Earth. By certain spiritual growth processes they have reached Ascension and transcended the reincarnation cycle. They are at the service for humanity to help and support us and the planet in our personal growth, transformation and ascension process.
The Ascended Masters are working closely together with the Archangels, Angels, star people and other universal beings from other planets and galaxies.
You can call upon the Ascended Masters, Angels, Galactic beings, Earth energies and many others you are now (maybe) not familiar with.
"You can do this for personal assistance but also for social issues, for disasters in the world and for the welfare of our planet. You can (as example) ask their help while watching the news. Instead of getting angry at people, governments or other controllers, you can call upon the Ascended Masters and ask them if they would like to interfere in the injustice and bring harmony to the current situation. Or when disasters and accidents happen, you can focus your thoughts towards the Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactic federation and ask if they would like to go the disaster area to help. these "heavenly troops" want nothing more than help. The Ascended Masters and all other light beings can however, never just intervene. They need our explicit permission or call for assistance to get into action! [Source: Human and Health] "
It is therefore important to realize that you are the one who has to ask the question so they can spring into action for you. If you do not know to whom you must focus your attention, focus on whatever it is that represents the Divine for you. To make it more easier to make connections, I have compiled a list of names from various sources of information. This means you have many options available to you to start out with. And even if you do not know who all these beings are now, you can start to work with them immediately and ask them to help and support you.
When I first heard about the Ascended Masters, I searched the internet and came across so many names of Ascended Masters, angels and other light beings, I could not remember them all. To make life a bit easier I compiled a reference list. This list is not complete but it gives a decent overview of names of beings and councils that are at your disposal and can therefore help you to make contact with many beings in a way that feels right to you. Remember that there is no wrong way to make contact with the beings of light. The way that feels most comfortable for you is the best. More and more people are working closely with the Ascended Masters and Angels and it enriches their lives tremendously.
You can improve your relationship with the Ascended Masters by:
- thinking about them
- connect through a print (you could perhaps carry one with you) or photo with them
- place a statue of a master or angel somewhere
- have an object that reminds you of them
- have a statue that represents the Divine for you
- read about them (see: Google)
- learn who they were and what lessons they brought
- what energy they might work with
- with which energetic ray they are associated
- where their Ashrams (ethereal abode) are and if they have ascension seats that you can visit
- legends
- myths, and so on.
Always do what feels good for YOU to improve your connection with them. They will surely appreciate it!
Night School
Did you know that through your sleep you can easily connect with the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Elohim? Read more about it in the following article about Night School..
List of names of Ascended Massters, Angels, Galactic Brothers and Sisters
Below is a list with 144 names of Masters (Arch-) Angels, Elohim, Galactic brothers and sister and Cosmic Councils or Universal Entities which you can ask for help. This list is far from complete but may serve to help get you connectedd better into the magical world of light beings, everywhere.
Never forget that YOU should always ask yourself for help and assistance, regarding anything!
- Father / Mother God
- Sananda (=kosmische Jezus)
- The Holy Spirit
- The Cosmic Counsil of 12
- The Mahatma
- Melchizedek
- Maitreya
- Buddah
- Mother Sekhmet
- Kuthumi
- Vywammes
- The Hathors
- Brothers and sisters of the Pleiades
- Brothers and sisters of Orion
- Brothers and sisters of Antares
- Brothers and sisters of Vega
- Brothers and sisters of Syrius
- Brothers and sisters of Enoch
- Brothers and sisters of Andromeda
- Brothers and sisters of Govinda
- Brothers and sisters of Arcturis
- The members of teh Great White Brotherhood
- Hyos Ha Kodoish
- Lady Quan Yin
- The Avatar of Synthesis
- Lord Ashtar
- The Ashtar command
- KOS (King Of Swords)
- Lord Adama
- Grandma Chandra
- Sri Amma Bhagavan
- Paramahamsa Nithyananda
- The Paradise Sons
- The Great Divine Director
- Melchior
- Lord and Lady Sirius
- Lenduce
- Sanat Kumara
- Atlanto
- Adonis
- Helios and Vesta
- Ashtar and Athena
- Hercules and Amazonia
- Apollo and Lumina
- Heros and Amora
- Purity and Astrea
- Cyclopia and Virginia
- Peace and Aloha
- Arcturus and Victoria
- Mahachohan Allah Gobi
- Paul de Venetian
- Babaji
- Maria Magdalena
- Yogananda
- Sri Yukteswar Lahiri Mahasaya
- Dr. Lorphan
- The Galactic Healers
- Sai Baba
- Rama
- Lanto
- Isis
- Horus
- Ma'at
- Osiris
- Toth
- Maha Chohan
- Merlin
- Pallas Athena
- Lady Portia
- The six Kumara's (Buddah's of Activity)
- All initiated of the Ashram of Synthesis
- The 24 Elders that surround the Throne of Mercy
- Archangel Metatron
- Archangel Sandalphon
- Archangel Kadmiël
- Archangel Zaphkiël
- Archangel Raguël
- Archangel Michaël en Faith
- Archangel Jophiël and Christine
- Archangel Chamuël and Charity
- Archangel Gabriël and Hope
- Archangel Raphaël and Moeder Maria
- Archangel Uriël and Aurora
- Archangel Zadkiël and Amethyst
- Archangel van de Boom des Levens
- Archangel en engelen van het licht van God
- The Seraphim
- The Cherubin
- The Platina Angels
- The Elohim Counsil
- The lords and ladies of Shamballa
- El Morya
- Solomon
- Djwhal Khul
- Office of the Christ
- Office of The Divine Mother
- Serapis Bey
- Hilarion
- Saint Germain
- The Eagle Command
- The Order of the Golden Toga
- The Telos
- Mother Earth / Gaia
- The Dolphins and the Whales
- Pan
- The animal kingdom
- The mineral kingdom
- The elemental realm
- The Deva's en nature spirits
- Ganesh
- The counsil of manifestation
- The Divine Mother
- The silent watchers
- The Great Central Sun
- Hanuman
- The 13 Grandmothers
- The Multi Universele Logo's
- The Goddesses lodge
- The interplanetairy counsil of Light and Love
- The Christ extraterrestrials
- All beings of love and light
- Meher Baba
- Ramtha
- Ramana Maharshi
- The members of the galactic federation
- The entire galactic and cosmic Hiërarchy
- The 7 Masters of the 7 Rays
- The 7 Archangels of the 7 Rays
- The 7 Elohim of the 7 Rays
- White Buffalo Woman
- The dragons and unicorns
- The moon
- Paravati
- The green man
- Oshun
- The mountains (all of them)
- Agartha
- The planetary and solar Masters
- Mohammed
- The Karmic Counsil
- Ramakrishna
- Vista
- Lady Nada
- Lakshmi